Mood: Annoyed
Last Spoke To: My little one
Last harmed: 30 days ago! Whoa! (20-11)

Daddy has been amazing. My little one WAS being amazing. Now I wanna throttle him! Hmph. I asked him about the second sub, he at first said he would think about it, then no. And he was real sweet. Really good to me. We played a little, talked a lot. Sill no video or phone but he was being good. Then he didn't answer while we were playing, for half an hour and several messages. 

In Contact


Mood: Hopeful
Last Spoke To: My little one
Last Harmed: 18 days ago

Ok, good and bad news. Bad is that he didn't answer me in the morning. He didn't answer through the day. It was late afternoon before he contacted me. Was I pissed? Yes. Did I tell him? No. Could I remain pissed at him for long? No. Did he apologise? Yes. That was the good news, that he apologised. But now I want to rip my hair out because he is giving out orders again and I really can't please well at the moment, nor enjoy it. Will he understand that? Hell no. Goodness, I want Daddy to come home. I need Daddy to talk to my little one and teach him haha. But then he is giving orders about cuddles so perhaps it's how best he can show that kind of affection online for him. I suppose... Hm, I can't decide whether I'm making excuses for him by saying it's his affection or if I'm being difficult by saying he is giving orders when I can't handle it. Ah that's funny.

Wish he were here


Mood: Lost
Last Spoke To: Daddy
Last Harmed: 17 days ago (20-11)

I wish my little one were here. I don't know what has happened, we were chatting a while last night but then suddenly he didn't reply. I'm not sure what happened. I just really would like him here at the moment. Just to sit in bed for the day. He can play as much as he likes, I'll wear whatever he wants, including nothing. I just want him to hold me. I miss him. He can wrap a belt around my neck and pull me into him, I don't really care. He has been out a lot and his kindle has been mucking up. Hmm. So we have been talking so read more....



Mood: Confused! And in love...
Last Spoke To: My little one
Last Harmed: 7 days ago (10-11)

Hum... How confusing... So, there is a possibility, however big or small, that I am beginning to fall in love... With my little one.Yeah um. I never did tell you about that video chat, but we have had three now.  Am I falling in love or just liking what I'm hearing?

And Mistake #2


Mood: Um...
Last Spoke To: My little one
Last Harmed: 5 minutes ago

Ouch, ouch and ouch. My hip is throbbing, there is a bandage around my thigh and there are about 31 cuts bleeding. Some are just upset deep, the others are really deep. A few didn't even bleed at first, it was past the blood layer. But now they are definitely bleeding, A LOT. At least one is needing stitches deep. But no one knows I still cut. So I have a bandage putting on pressure and I'm hoping they stop soon... So yeah, what do I do? My little one has gone out of course my master is upset with me, I know he would talk with me if I told him what I had done but I'm not going to blackmail him like read more...



Mood: Utterly and totally lost and depressed
Last Spoke To: My little one
Last Harmed: Bloody well about to

I was wrong, I am wrong, my gosh! What an idiot! Why did I never remember the trial with my little one when my... master, was away? I did it today, I was released from he who I'm going to keep referring to as my master. For label or not, he is my master in my read more....