You Own Him


When you snug­gle closer 
and purr in your sleep, 
you are his kitten

When you kneel between his legs 
grace­fully accept­ing the band around your throat, 
you are his girl

When you squirm across his lap, 
your tush rosy red and tin­gling with inti­macy, 
you are his brat

When you rub your­self all over him 
leav­ing liq­uid pas­sion in your trail, 
you are his slut

When you devour him deeply, pleas­ing him, 
solely there for his enter­tain­ment, 
you are his whore

When you growl and strain against your leash, 
hump­ing his leg for release, 
you are his bitch

When you sur­ren­der to his strength, his power, 
when you sac­ri­fice your body on the altar of his desire, 
you are his prey

When you stay still, quiv­er­ing, unspeak­ing, 
your only pur­pose to be used, to be mounted, 
you are his female

And still…

When you melt into his arms 
and lean your head against his chest 
and whis­per quietly,

“I am yours”

At that moment, 
you own him.

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