Don't Panic!


Mood: Happy
Last Spoke To: My little one
Last Harmed: 31 days ago (20-11)

Don't freak out, I was fixing the site up for my little one to visit eventually and decided I quite liked it. Now I just have to hide the About and Blog pages. You will still find my blog here though, I promise. My life is too dramatic to take that away from you haha. So yeah, don't worry, just a little rearranging, I like it this way. I'm thinking of combining the Stories page with the Songs & Poems page since I now have such a long list! And maybe Bits & Bobs with Thoughts. We'll see. Anyway, I do have more to say on my little one.

Mood: Annoyed
Last Spoke To: My little one
Last harmed: 30 days ago! Whoa! (20-11)

Daddy has been amazing. My little one WAS being amazing. Now I wanna throttle him! Hmph. I asked him about the second sub, he at first said he would think about it, then no. And he was real sweet. Really good to me. We played a little, talked a lot. Sill no video or phone but he was being good. Then he didn't answer while we were playing, for half an hour and several messages. 



Mood: Frustrated
Last Spoke To: My little one
Last Harmed: 27 days ago (20-11)

Hmmm. Ok, I am a little annoyed at my little one. When I was with Daddy, I told my little one it was basically a relationship that was started to end, right? His argument then became that, with him, it would be something that could go somewhere, that someday we might be together real time. I was sceptical but lover this and agreed. Then I said I thought Daddy might be falling for me a little, my little one said he had begun falling for me the moment he heard my voice. It took me aback at the time, for I was not truly falling for him yet. But he was positive he was falling for me. Well. 

In Contact


Mood: Hopeful
Last Spoke To: My little one
Last Harmed: 18 days ago

Ok, good and bad news. Bad is that he didn't answer me in the morning. He didn't answer through the day. It was late afternoon before he contacted me. Was I pissed? Yes. Did I tell him? No. Could I remain pissed at him for long? No. Did he apologise? Yes. That was the good news, that he apologised. But now I want to rip my hair out because he is giving out orders again and I really can't please well at the moment, nor enjoy it. Will he understand that? Hell no. Goodness, I want Daddy to come home. I need Daddy to talk to my little one and teach him haha. But then he is giving orders about cuddles so perhaps it's how best he can show that kind of affection online for him. I suppose... Hm, I can't decide whether I'm making excuses for him by saying it's his affection or if I'm being difficult by saying he is giving orders when I can't handle it. Ah that's funny.